So... I've been absent a while. I've moved by art blog... napkin thing to Tumblr (
We've moved to Sammamish/Issaquah, Washington.
We have several reptiles, some of which are fosters, and we now have a group of rodents. 3 female African soft-fur rats (also called multimammate mice, odorless rats, Natal rats/mice, etc) and one fancy mouse.
Penny the tortoise is now free-roaming, most of the time, and enjoys the freedom, and ability to chase cats, any time she pleases.
But about the fancy mouse. The term "fancy" does not mean "oh, look how fancy that mouse is!", but is more along the lines of "I rather fancy that mouse!" rather that calling it the "mouse hobby" is it the "mouse fancy"-- like cat fancy.
There's some controversy about whether ASFs and mice can co-habitate.
I have found that IF you introduce them to a BRAND NEW cage, at the SAME TIME, so it is neutral territory, you CAN have success. But don't assume it will work, and you need to watch them like a hawk, at first. My mouse, Reesey-Meese, rules the roost and is adored by the ASFs. She is a regular participant in the group "cuddle piles", which is unbelievably adorable. How adorable? Let me show you.