Friday, March 23, 2012

Chupacabra Warriors (working title)

so... I've been learning more about tarantulas, and really LOVE the patterns and colors on a lot of 'em... and stared thinking about how they'd make great superhero or luchador wrestler outfits. The more I thought about it, the more it appealed to me, so I decided to sketch up come ideas... and I loved it.

Bouncing some ideas off of Matt, we've decided this:
We want at least one hero from each continent where tarantulas are native.
We want a mix -- one born mutant, one scientifically altered, one tech genius, one genuine wrestler, maybe one blessed by an ancient god, and one who opts to organize the group... and an alien. Hear me out!

When I was 14, I designed up several races... okay, like 5, and dreamed up homeworlds, cultures, religions-- I even worked on making a functional language for one race (and wrote a children's play, in that language, during my senior year of high school... which is retrospect, is pretty amazing).

One race I came up with was a large, centauroid race of arachnids. I've sketched them occasionally over the last 11 years since their conception, but never really knew what to do with them... until now. :D
What if their technology was only a few hundred years ahead of us-- they didn't have the dark ages, or the weird-ass Pythagorean cult? and they aimed a ship in the general direction of Earth.
It would take a few generations (I'll sketch out ideas for how they may have manufactured food), but the ship would eventually get here; and there would be no way back.

I've decided to redesign him a bit; an update, more like. It HAS been 11 years since he was designed... I'm gonna use an awesome blue jumping spider as my model/muse/inspiration/whatever

They're a fabulous species.
Anywho. I'm famished and my wrist hurts so... I'm gonna figure out... something. to do. maybe veg with my wrist brace for a bit. le sigh.

I'll upload some pics, and plan to write up some back story for my heroes, soon. :)
...typing hurts my wrist. :c

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